GTA VI Token

GTA VI Token Logo

Contract Address: 7kTbcf3SGBWqdc2hHaGD7RdQMnSsWMZ311BK9gfkpump

GTA VI Token is a cryptocurrency designed to serve as the in-game currency of a virtual world inspired by the the GTA VI universe.

Screenshot 1

Players will be able to partake in a variety of game activities such as buying virtual real estate, competing against other players for tokens such as in races and sporting events, and earning tokens for play time hours, the design of new game assets, scripting, and in general performing useful services to the community.

Screenshot 2

Before the game is released, we will do our best to create this virtual universe based on whatever information is available, using FiveM. After GTA VI is released on PC, we will explore options for custom multiplayer modes.



Staking is now active!

Send the GTA VI you want to stake to the following Solana address:


After 2 months from your deposit, you will be paid back with 5% of interest to the same address. Please keep the wallet safe, it's not possible to change the address after the deposit is made.

Note: if the interest accrued is not at least twice the transaction costs of sending the tokens back, the deposit plus the interest will be automatically re-staked until the interest is at least twice the transaction costs or higher.

Another section of the website will be created soon to show all the deposits and payments.

In the meantime, you can see all the transactions to and from that address here.


A new staking program is in the works. It will allow people to stake their existing tokens and earn more tokens over time.
